Conversation Between Kisaragi^^ and RamesesII

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday for when you get around to viewing your vm's haha
  2. Long time no see just dropping in to see if you are still active haha
  3. T.T little bored here
  4. What were we talking about was it romantic anime?
  5. Hey how are you?
  6. I like the story line of ffx and ffx-2, it's kinda sad I think,
    even though I can't get the complete ending of ffx-2, haha ^^
  7. Ok Hana it is haha,
    As far as story line goes i enjoyed FF7 the best but if we are talking gameplay and set up of the game i like FFX because of the sphere grid system but i like the fighting from FF12.
    what about you?
  8. Ok, dragoon ^^
    u can call me 'hana', that's my name
    so, what's ur fav ff ?
  9. Most of the people here just call me dragoon so you can cal me that
  10. alright then ^^
    what should I call u ?
  11. Well you will find plenty of people here to talk to about FF and everyone is friendly and welcoming, as for me i suppose i had the same reason i wanted to find a forum where i could find other people who like FF
  12. I looking for a friend to share 'bout ff ^^ what 'bout u ?
  13. No worries, what brought to the forum
  14. Thx ^^
  15. Welcome to the forum hope you have fun.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15