Conversation Between SOLDIER #819 and GypsyElder

15 Visitor Messages

  1. no uuuuuuuuu
  2. Yoouuuuuuu.
  3. hahaha
  4. Sneaky...!? Ohhhh boy.
  5. We should that's our master Plan haha!

    *Schemes sneaky things*
  6. I like the latter two personally, haha. Not so good at expressing myself through most mediums though, so the first suffers! We need to find RPs to join. Or make one.
  7. Well, I like writing for one, and secondly I like character and world building. It just seems like something I should partake it. I fell like I'm missing out almost haha.
  8. What sort of things are you interesting in RPing? There seems to be a lot of people who'd like to, but don't have the opportunity. It's sort of a shame, haha.

    I'd agree though... "not as serious" is best. Some things are just too hard to keep up in.
  9. Not very much, but I want too >.< I'm in the Ball because it's not as serious.
  10. I am scared to RP. I have an RP phobia! I want to join the Bleach RP too, but all I do is stare and watch. >.>

    Do you RP much?
  11. I think it is over now, Just haven't gotten the results yet probably because we still have the Ball going on. Why are you not in the ball? you should get at that
  12. Hahaha, no worries. It could be argued that the best lurker is the one who is best at remaining unseen... meaning fewest votes!

    Is that even over?
  13. I should have voted you best lurker! I didn't even think about it!

  14. Thank you.
  15. Happy Birthdaayy !!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15