Conversation Between Kyo-san and ChloChloAriadne

14 Visitor Messages

  1. I -think- I get it. You could do a few little temp jobs? Then once your hair is the desired color... ONWARD! <<;

  2. Read your journal. I'm sorry work is having a suck =(. I need a job too. But I have to dye my hair a more natural colour, but I can't afford that, so I need to get a job to get the dye, and it goes around in circles.

    Confused yet? ^^;
  3. I won't lie. They're expensive, for a worthwhile one. Mine was about $200 on eBay.

    But it is SOOOOO worth it. I can already tell...
  4. I want a tablet. ;_;
  5. The best kind =D

  6. AND... 'Tis twincest yaoi. Teh best.

  7. *Attack is stifled*

    *Froggie is pleased and wanders into corner with yaoi*

  8. -stifles attack with offerings of yaoi greatnesss-


  9. Raaaaaawr, I attacks you with Visitor Message!
  10. I just started this one... Just to RP...

  11. I actually don't visit MySpace at all, haha. Sooorry. >.<.
  12. The liquid stuff shouldn't be too hard to find. Post some more pictures when you do find it, though!! I wanna see! n_n

    I started a MySpace as Steve so as I could RP... But I don't know anyone yet. T-T

    Do you know any MySpace RP-ers? I need some Resident Evil RP-ers to RP with my Steve...

    He's all alone... T-T
  13. I had one that was purple one side, green on the other. Complete love. I wish I had it, would be perfect for what you suggested. I really need to get some money and find some coloured liquid stuff.

    And he's certainly worthy of obsession =P
  14. Where have you gone? =0 I do miss my fellow Ouran High lover.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14