Conversation Between Azuteor and Hyzenthlay

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. No problem!

    I am procrastinating on homework. =_=;; I shouldn't, but I don't feel like it! Haha.

    How about you?
  2. I'm the queen of awkward dear!
    Thank you very much XD! Boost to my self esteem!
    How are you anyway?
  3. But seriously though, you're very pretty. That's why I said it.
  4. Hmmm, I don't know how to reply back to that. Haha. XD

    Awkwardness +1
  5. 'Seriously? I'm surprised! I'd expect someone like you to get asked out a lot by a bunch of guys.'

    I'm not sure how to approach that... Ha ha.
  6. I know. My mum promised me one. Weeks and weeks later, still no laptop.

    RP's have died? Figures. There is usually a really bad patch after a good one. Its just the way it goes here, huh? Ha ha. When I can come back I may try to start it up again. Be the RP defibulater. Lol.
  7. Argh, sorry to hear that! I hope you get a new computer!

    I'm good. Spring break is here. RPs have basically died haha.
  8. Yeah, my comp has been completely fudged.
    How have you been?
    I have to use other peoples computors so I still wont be around for much. Untill I get a new comp, that is.
  9. Wow! Haven't since you around in a while!
  10. Lol. I'mm playful by nature.

    It's Hai-zun-flay. Pronouncing-wise.

    Well, lets have fun with ToT.
  11. Lol Had no idea you would respond like that. xD So playful.

    Alright, I'll PM you with ideas.
  12. Merry christmas to you to Az-to-the-U-the-the-Or. =P

    Absolutally. Just PM me with ideas, okay? What you are thinking and such. I will have my post up today, hopefull. So if you wanna meet up with Jenna you'll hav eto tell me what you had in mind. =]
  13. Yo Hyz-in-the-lay, would you be interested for some RP interaction in Times of Turmoil. Oh and a Merry Christmas!
  14. I would but she's in a bad mood. I fear death by shouting if I go near her... Stay out of her way is the best/safest option .

    You have exams right now? Jesus, I'd have thought they'd finished months ago. Maybe it's because mine start in Jan... I just assume everybody did theirs ages ago and have some in Jane, too.
  15. Lol I'm sure!

    Your mom is awesome! Make sure to give her a huge hug for everything she has done for you!

    Lol, I am, but the fact that I have exams pretty much kills the excitement.
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