Conversation Between Unknownangel and Meigumi

428 Visitor Messages

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  2. Did you get to eat ice cream?
  3. Pretty good just got back from a sleep over...
  4. Aww, nothing much. How about you?
  5. Hey it been a while, whats up?
  6. Mmkay.
  7. ..........yah but I have homework to finish, so now I have to go I'm hungry and going to eat left over chinese and then exercise.
  8. >_>; It's alright, a little break isn't too bad.
  9. Busy, not feeling good, busy, injured knee, bored, busy.....well not really but I should be...shame on me...-__-
  10. Hey, how are you? >w<
  11. Hey it been a while hey!
  12. No, you'll literally start crying. And laughing.

    My insides hurt from laughing so much.
  13. Ahhh, my favorite tip of people...^_^
  14. Oh, and there's one who'll make you laugh so much, you might even cry.
  15. Hahaha!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 428
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