Conversation Between zSoraz and ~FANTASY-ENDER~

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I love Kingdom Hearts 2 ~Final Mix~+ so far I'm near the end and I'm currently try to defeat Marluxia, one of the opitional bosses and man he's tough. Were you able to defeat him, I'm having a hard time, if so can you give me some pointers? Oh my MSN username is ~Fantasy X~ same as my username here.

    My email address is [email protected]
  2. Ya, I have it and loved it. I beat the entire thing last Summer, so now it just collects dust. How are you liking it? Also, do you want to get on MSN; I added you if you want to talk there. ^_^
  3. hello nice to see another Kingdom Hearts fan around here. Have you played Kingdom Hearts 2 ~Final Mix~+ yet?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3