Conversation Between Tiger Lily and Unknown Entity

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lol, I saw that too, but I knew what you meant! It made me laugh a tad!

    That sounds like it would be fun! ^^

    Wow... can't wait to have a lookie at some pics of it! Gawd... all those DVDs... How long will it take to watch them all? Haha, would the barmy woman you don't know supply you with enough cookies in the time it takes to watch them all back-to-front?
  2. Oh, whoops. Just realised that my last message had "hoe" instead of "hope". Fixed now. =D

    Sounds like a plan. ^^ We shall arrange a mass meeting and eat cake and cookies. Om nom nom nom.

    It came in a really nice box. It's like a huge scrapbook, but filled with DVDs. I've got some photos of it on the camera, so I'll upload them and show you some time. It's the most gorgeous thing in the world. ><
  3. Haha, you can meet my relatives if I can meet the barmy woman you don't really know! ^^

    Seriously, 61 discs? Woah... Haha, bet you had to find some room to store those lol!
  4. Happy new year to you, too. ^^ Hope you have a good one. I wish I could see Big Ben, man. D= I was just in my kitchen/living area, watching some quality TV [The Young Ones... hahahahaha] when it turned midnight.

    And I got the complete X-Files box set with 61 discs and all that, some CDs and the Bones season 1 box set and a Doctor Who poster. Some more stuff too, but that's the main load. ^^

    200 quid, though? Seriously? Man, I want your relatives. Some barmy woman that I don't know came to my house today and gave us a load of cooking supplies as a late present. They're really really nice.. cupcake stuff and choc chips in nice colours and a peeler and bowls and a recipe book and utensils and ingredients.. she's a mutual friend of my parents', but we've never met her. Pretty weird stuff. xD I can't wait to use the peeler. I love peeling things. ^^;
  5. Oh right lolz!

    I got a few games, DVDs and a book. And about £200 from relatives who didn't know what to get me lol. ^^

    What did you get? Oh, and Happy New Year! Haha, you probably got that 9 hours too late, but Big Ben has just gone off here! XD
  6. Merry Christmas to you too! =D Have/having a good day? What did you getttt? =D

    Mulder and Scully are tha federal agents. Solvin' criemz an' bein' secksy. =P

  7. Merry Christmas Lily!

    ... Whats all this about federal agents?
  8. No scotty accent?

    You're right - I should have one lol. I live in the East End too. Not COMPLETELY the East End, but you get the picture. ^_^
  9. YOU DON'T?

    ...Awwww. Well, you SHOULD have one. =P I've been trying to pick one up from Doctor Who. It kind of works. I often watch it before dinner, so I talk like a right Briton during dinner and a bit after. Accents rub off on me quickly. I was watching a special of Doctor Who and David Tennant was speaking with his natural Scottish and I talked like a Scot for a while. I miss my Scottish accent. It faded when I was 9. ;_;
  10. *whispers* Ok ok lol!

    I ain't got no cockney ac'ent! What yee implying?

    But seriously, I haven't got a cockney accent. Some days, it may sound like I do, but other days I'm told I sound posh... I don't know... *shrugs*
  11. Hush hush! =P

    Well, I think I knew but it didn't quite register. ^^; I is sillies. London is awesome. That means that you've gotta have, like, a Cockney accent! ...Man, that's awesome.
  12. o_0;;

    Leik, OMFG, you didn't know?
  13. I only just noticed. You're a LONDONER.

    ...Wow. Cool. *o*

    [/blonde moment]
  14. ... Wow, lolz!

    Thanks for... er... sharing!
  15. Hutts are hermaphrodites.
    I am a hutt.
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