Conversation Between GypsyElder and Martin

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you Mel!
  2. Happy birfday Martin!
  3. Ah, what can I say. I'm awesome. As are you
  4. <3! What was this for ?
  5. <3 <--- ask me what that's for and I'll tell you.
  6. I'm really good thank you! Kind of moved to the other side of the world now haha . How are things in your neck of the woods?

    Yeah I do too. I'm struggling with the newer stuff if I'm honest (well Suck it and See) but if I'm in the mood I'll have a go.
  7. OMG HI MARTIN! <3 How are you!?

    Haha yeah I still listen to them some times!
  8. My lord. How LONG has it been? Hope you are well, and that you're still loving the Arctics? Although I moved on. In the opposite direction. To the Beatles haha
  9. Why thank you
    Big Arctics fan =]
  10. You get a thumbs up for liking Arctic Monkeys.
  11. Lurking like a baaaad mother. That's mee.
    It used to be a lot more tight knit than it used to be though.

    Thanks for the idea! I may just do that haha =]
  12. You should create a group for TFF Tea Club. Call it TFF Tea m XD Just a thought.

    this would be the perfect pic for it: ha
  13. oh, why thank you :3

    It's nice to see a lot of the older members still active, even if it is just lurking from time to time . It's tight nit here, and that's what I like.
  14. Well you're by far one of the more prominent newer members. So I thought I'd drop you a line and say hello. I used to be on here a lot but not so much anymore. Suffice to say, you seem pretty cool and I see Cilla has taken a shine to you too. =]
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14