Conversation Between Martin and Halie

60 Visitor Messages

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  1. Nah that's alright as I didn't get on either haha.

    I just have to make sure I get writing so it's the best way to do it I'm afraid. But Cil got me an iPad for my birthday (amazing!!!) so I'll be on Skype more so feel free to be intrigued as you'll be getting updates haha
  2. Alrighty, so I didn't even get online, sorry lol. One of my est friends came back off holiday and I saw her at the school and so we spent most of the day together after.

    I canny believe you're off again lol. You've barely been back We'll still talk, though, especially now that you're writing this book because Halie is intrigued. lol
  3. Results day takes precedence haha! I can definitely wait!
    Best of luck though I'm sure you won't need it, I'm going to be on your night as well but if it's results day you should be getting wrecked anyway xD
  4. Weellll I have to go down to the school in the late morning to pick up my results (Ahhhh!) so I'll be on sometime after 12 I suspect, maybe later but before 3 so hopefully I'll catch you.
  5. Yeah I don't know what's up with it, kept saying you were offline and it says I have a message constantly. From no-one.

    We're overdue a chat though so I'll be on tonight my time so your morning till about three in the affy. No worries if you can't be on
  6. Alrighty, I went to bed not longer after anyway so nevermind lol.
  7. So Skype is being pretty pisspoor at the mo...
  8. That's great!

    Haha yeah still working on that one.. I'll get around to it.
  9. Hahaha, yeah she's just had another and can hopefully come home today.
    That's good, at she's a bit better now. Did you get her a tapestry after?
  10. I'm glad to hear it! Morphine is kick ass, I can say from experience
    I'll keep her in my thoughts.
    Mum is a lot better thank you, got some colour back in her cheeks from all accounts, she had some kind of severe anaemia but a blood transfusion seems to have done the trick. Fingers crossed
  11. Thanks, Dick. She's feeling a lot better today, they're giving her more morphine and all so she's feeling a lot less pain. Plus she's allowed to have her ciggies now so she's happy lmao. I'll be going to see her in a couple of hours. How's your mum? What was wrong after? Hope she's alright, m'lovely
  12. Slightly delusional, ah I know that one! Did make me laugh though

    I read your journal, so so sorry to hear about your Mum ! My eldest brother has had kidney stones for years and the pain is on a par with childbirth so believe me when I say my heart goes out to her. Also my Mum was really ill a couple of days ago, ended up in hospital herself, thankfully she's alright and out now. You know where I am if you need a chat buddy.
  13. Haha what can I say, it was about 3am, I hadn't slept in a long while, and I was slightly delusional. I get more brave when I'm tired. xD
  14. Thanks to douchey iPhone keyboards..

    That should have said 'Sausage in cream pie is literally the most hilarious way I've heard it said before. And the most gross at the same time xD'
  15. That's quite alright! I didn't expect anything was going down but just to let me know in case, now that you can like
    HA, couldn't make that shit up. Bad luck
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