Conversation Between NikkiLinkle and Rocky

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. thanks girl, and double thanks you for the skype wishes too
  2. Happy Birthday to you!!!
  3. I'm faaaaantastic!!!! Love youuuuuu!
  4. hiiii.............. :^)

    how are you.................:^)
  5. Rockkyyyyyy! Just checkin you out, haven't checked you out, for some time.
  6. Why thank you! So so sweet lol.

    Anyhoo I like metal mostly or rock. I like a bit of death metal, screamo emo whatever metal. Too many catergories. Some of my faves are, Coheed and Cambria, Evanescence, MSI, Lacuna Coil, Bullet For My Valentine, Nofx, Daath, The Butterfly Effect, From First To Last. I'm really liking Skrillex at the moment. He used to be in From First To Last. Ok whoa I'll stop now lol.

    I also like some good old 80's/90's hits! hahaha. Who doesn't?!!!! I don't really HATE any music, but I am not real fond of rap or hip hop. Even though I went through a HUGE Eminem phase when I was in high school But I am ok now.
  7. Happy V-DAY!! <33

    I hope you do too lol
  8. haha yeah, I was in a CnC phase and wanted to change up the sig, so I decided to go with Amory Wars. I wonder if theres a torrent of them somewhere... That would be the best way to go about reading them lol.

    oh well now I'm in a wierd electronica music phase, back to listening to stuff like Tiesto and Mord Fustang.

    What kind of music do you listen to?
  9. I like your signature picture. I haven't read The Amory Wars, but I really, really want to! Just have to get my hands on them first.
  10. Thanks for the birthday wishes kiddo!
  11. Happy birthday! Hope you have a good one and have all your deepest dreams and wishes come true
  12. Your #1 song the week you were born, is cool as! Wild wild west. Hahaha. Mine sucks, I've never even heard of it I wish it 500 Miles by The Proclaimers. I love that song.
  13. Well I'm a couple of months older than you, so kid it is

    Swell! Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself
  14. wait wait what?! kid?!?!?! lol

    thank you for the bday wishes miss I had a good time!
  15. Happy Birthday kid. Hope you had a spectacular day!
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