Conversation Between NikkiLinkle and Martin

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I just wanted to say yours and Gemma's are the only posts in that thread whom I weren't referring to. Yours was a bright light in a sea of personal bluster and the only one that made sense to me. Thank you.
  2. You love an Aussie, that makes you an Aussie! Yay!
  3. Yeah I don't know what happened there! Haha if only I was an ACTUAL Aussie ..
  4. Hahaha you are a member! Welcome! It's a pretty crappy inactive group btw. But oh well! Glad to have you on board you bloody Aussie!
  5. Dude I clicked the wrong button on the group invitation haha, can you send another one please ?
  6. Hey! Haha, we live in Ippy. Well in Ebenezer, near Willowbank? If you know where all the racetracks are, we're near there.

    I appreciate the comment! You seem very cool and it's good to see TFF attracts good members still! I passed on the complement to Cil, she said to thank you very much
  7. HI! I'm so glad to hear you and your lady are doing well. It's so lovely! Where do you guys live? If you don't mind me asking haha. Just having a sticky beak. I live near Ipswich. You seem like a really awesome guy. I wish you and Priscilla all the best!!!!
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