Conversation Between NikkiLinkle and SuperSabin

11 Visitor Messages

  1. happy thanksgiving (dunno if you celebrate it there) but thought i'd post anyway! haha
  2. Hey, were you wanting to skype im when you added me? sorry that I wasn't available, I went out to help my mom with errands and we had dinner haha. I'm usually available on skype, i'm on alot but I don't bother people that much on there. EDIT: oh, forgot to mention this, i added you on FB (assuming i got the right person)
  3. I'm currently enjoying mine, and yeah I am getting better, I still am coughing a bit, thanks for asking. I do use skype, if you want to add me my username is sabinftw48. EDIT: (without the period)

    How is your weekend?
  4. Yeah it is very popular. No problem! Your friendship request was not denied. Haha. Do you use Skype? My regular Skype contacts are on a cruise and I miss them, jerks.

    Anyways how is your weekend going? Feeling better?
  5. I hear Game of Thrones is good, one of those really popular TV shows I suppose. Is it alright if I add you? I'm going to send you a request.
  6. I got all the movies in a blu ray box set for $68 I think I liked the Deathly Hallows part 1 and 2 the most, but can't remember. They are good movies! I never read the books, I imagine they are better. I'm trying to read the first Game of Thrones book, but I'm finding it hard, because I've seen the first season. I'll make sure I read the next books, before I see the next seasons.
  7. That sounds like a good idea lol. I had a marathon with them once because my parents LOVE harry potter and make sure to buy every movie that gets released. I would say my favorite would be tie between Deathly Hallows part 2 and Goblet of Fire.
  8. Hope you feel better! I had a cough for about a month a few months back. I'm not sure tbh, I think they're all good. But I haven't seen them for awhile. I bought all the movies, so i'm having a marathon. Just watching the first one atm. Once I've watched them all, then I'll decide which is my favourite haha.
  9. I'm doing fine, i have the coughs from this cold i've been having, but i'm hanging in there. Which Harry Potter movie is your favorite?
  10. Hello! No I don't believe we have, but now we have I'm good thanks, just watching Harry Potter movies. How are you?!
  11. Hi, don't think i met you before, I'm Sabin. Nice to meet you! how are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11