Conversation Between Joxsjua and seanb

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm from the US, by living in a remote area atm I meant a rural area with a lot of space, not a big city. I found finding game emulators passed a lil bit of time, but to be honest I have had the hardest time lately finding any games captivating. So I have to find other things for entertainment in the meantime.
    I start up classes again at the end of August and will be moving then. When do college students start up classes in Ireland? What are you going to school for?
  2. aw theres nothing as frustrating as dodgy internet, mines really temperamental too,...
    remote area? me too, were ya from. I'm in Ireland.
    ah yea summeres quite the drag, im off for 3 months from college and things get quite boring, especially since I couldn't even find a job !
  3. All good. Yeah I agree, summer's getting to be a drag for myself as well. I live in a remote area where I get slowed to 12mb/sec download speeds if I go over my 12GB data transfer a month. Before that it's about 112kb/sec so still insanely unstable and slow. Move in about a move though so that will all change soon but then classes start for me again. Why's your summer such a drag?
  4. I must apologise, forgot about that thread, hopefully you don't think I'm a dope . sorry,

    Things aren't too bad man, I'm finding summer a bit of a drag,
    don't think we've met before, what are ya upta?
  5. gotta say. I was a tad urked when you made fun that 'Nelson Mandela was a boxer joke reference' which ended my retribution thread... Other than that ..what is up my brudda?!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5