Conversation Between Dizz and Slick

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hehe, thank you very much.
    I hope you have fun...At least one day of the week.
  2. Have uber fun at your party tonite!
  3. I understand. That kind of music is obviously not the best choice in music, but I don't know. Some of it isn't that bad. The beats just soothe me for some reason. It's not the words that make me like it. It's just the beat, I suppose.
  4. I don't mind rap, I just don't want my future kids involved with it. Too much discriminations, stereotypes, bad language, hatred. It will be there choice to listen to it, I just don't want to hear it I guess. Guess I'm a hyprocrite.
  5. I like all of that stuff to, but I usually listen to rap, r&b, hip-hop, ect...
    Heh. Just like a lot of little kiddies these days.
  6. I'm into ALOT of music. Music to me is life. My favorite area is definitely rock though. But my favorite band is Blink 182 so it's kind of ironic. I listen to alot of Angel's and Airwave's too, it calms me when I need it. Yourself?
  7. Thank you.
    But that's in like four hours from now, so I'm good 'til then.

    Random question but what kind of music do you listen to?
  8. Well have fun at the party!
  9. Nope. I don't know what kind of movies you like.
    I'm going to a party at five.
  10. Not much today...been lazy. Gonna watch a movie shortly, not sure what though. Any suggestions?
  11. xD
    Yeah, that was kind of obvious.
    But anyway...
    What's up?
  12. Nah, who cares about age! I got a whole crap load of cuzins around that age and there probably the funnest little guys I know. I kind of figured you were around that age when you told me the whole swing story lol.
  13. Plus, I don't live on a farm.

    Sorry I didn't tell you about my age before.
    That was pretty funny, though.
  14. LOL...that's when I said ohhh. I started working when i was around that age for my grandfather on the farm...but I am a dude and that's common where i'm from.
  15. Heh, about that...
    I'm only eleven.
    But I'll be twelve in less than three months...
    -hopeful shrug-
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