Conversation Between Dodie16 and nix

14 Visitor Messages

  1. I know its crazy, imagine all dogs looked the same, there was just some generic default dog look, but they could come in crazy colours..

    Mind would go BAM!

  2. I can't tell most cat breeds apart either.
  3. It will give S nightmares every time he reads a post of yours...

  4. haha, its an awesome gif, im thinking it might be my new sig ;P
  5. Has to be done
  6. Yeah, yeah. Rub it in, why don't ya?
  7. Gotcha!

  8. Well, aren't you a sweetheart! Thank you much!
  9. Happy birthday beautiful!
  10. I keep forgetting the damn time difference, you would think I would have copped on after 9 years here >_<
  11. Thank you much! Though I have not technically lived 1/4 of a century in my time zone just quite yet, I still appreciate the b-day wishes!
  12. The Happiest of birthdays to you lil missy!

    1/4 Century, go you
  13. Cheers for bday wishes
  14. Hi! I saw that you were having a birthday, so Happy Birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14