Conversation Between Lunasa and Victoria

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey there Miss. -cuddles-
  2. Hey miss, how's you?
  3. Hey there Miss. How're you doing?
  4. Hey sweetie, how are you doing this morning?
  5. So what are you up to this evening?
  6. *waves* Hey there beautiful. How're you today?
  7. Yesh. *hugs* I miss her muchly too. All three of us need to chat it up!
  8. Rinoa.Heartilly is not only my sister, she's my twin sister. I need to get her around here again. I miss her muchly. It'd be cool to be the first family members to join TFF as a whole :/

    And this person is awesome in all meanings of the word.
  9. Wow, I didn't know you were sisters with Rinoa.Heartily. I know her. She's awesome. So yay. Awesome runs in the family!
  10. Hola! I just saw your cute picture in the PYP thread. ^^
    yes, you are very cute. *nods*
  11. Yay, you need more indeed! Love the Brit!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11