Conversation Between cbchick and Pete

4 Visitor Messages

  1. haha yeah some of the things on here are a real pain to find. it actually took me a good couple of minutes to find it myself.
  2. o yay! i found it. thanx :B

    i must've went around it a bunch of times cuz i never noticed it until i actually looked at it XD
  3. haha, I actually had to look this one up. If you go to the user cp, there should be a tab in a list called "edit options." From there you can find something about subscription options, and you can choose not to subscribe to any threads. And I believe in your cp you can also unsubscribe from each forum/ thread. Hope that helps!
  4. lol i have a question now XD

    is there anyway that we can stop from subscribing threads? it seems like it does it automatically. o.o
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4