Conversation Between Fate and Heartless Angel

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Act of Desperation and Rain (it's all about me) are probably my two favorites by Amaranthe. If I look at it objectively I guess some of their stuff is somewhat pop-py... in as much as melodeath can ever be pop-py.

    I actually like Marco on his own too, I've seen Tarot live more than once lol. Saw Nightwish with Sonata Arctica once too, that was an epic show. Epica a couple times. Haven't had any of my visits to Europe coincide with any Delain concerts yet, but I'm sure I'll catch em eventually.

    I always like to fuel the fires in the Annette vs Tarja arguments by pointing out the lack of success in Tarja's solo career lol. At least by comparison with continued success of Nightwish.
  2. Xandria has one of my favourite singers of all time: Lisa Middelhauve. She has so much emotion in her voice that it just sounds amazing. Plus she sings "normally," in a mezzo-soprano range, in a distorted voice, and growls. Very versatile.

    I didn't listen to too many of their songs. I suppose I'll give more a try. Which ones do you recommend?

    Marco is probably the one I can stand. I wouldn't listen to him sing on his own, though. I liked his contributions on Delain's albums. Speaking of Nightwish...I find it ridiculous how there's still a fight over Tarja and Annete after years and years. I can't watch one Nightwish-related video on YouTube without a bunch of whining idiots shouting, "Boo! Anette sucks!" or "I want Tarja back!" Ugh.
  3. Have't heard of them until just now, I'll check em out shortly.

    Can't say I could consider Amaranthe pop-py, but to each their own I suppose. Couple of their songs are more mellow than others, and some of the shitty recordings I've seen I guess could lead one to see them that way.

    I like male vocals, but only good ones. There are alot that are just meh. Ideal state for me though is female lead wtih well placed male backup. Nightwish for example, I love Marco's voice, and he complements Annete and Tarja nicely.
  4. Female voices in metal are my favourite things in music. I checked out Amaranthe just half an hour ago. They sounded kind, too pop-py for my tastes. And I'm not a fan of male voices in metal, actually. xD

    Have you heard of Xandria?
  5. I love a good female vocalist in a metal band. Amaranthe is another good band to check out if you don't mind small ammounts of screaming. They're technically melodeath which I'm usually not all that into, but the female vocals bring it all together quite nicely.
  6. I'm a huge fan of Charlotte's voice. Lots of songs on Lucidity are just beautiful. Likewise, it's nice to meet someone who knows Delain. XD
  7. Good to know somebody other than me listens to Delain. Nobody else I know has even heard of them lol.
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