Conversation Between Zargabaath and Catalana

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Ah I hope one day I'll speak fluently English ... one day
  2. Then do worry about, makes no difference to me.
  3. Why ?
  4. Don't worry about it. I'm not perfect at English myself.
  5. Sorry ... my English isn't very perfect --' Whhooo I understand you ! Haaa I make you remember your old memories of French classes ...
  6. If you are asking me, "How are my french classes so far"? I shall respond by saying I took those classes 7-9 years ago. It has been quite some time.
  7. Hi hi ^^ French is difficult ... even us ( French people ) are tired of French classes xD We learn things that we'll never use in the future xP Are your French classes so far ?
  8. I remember that.
  9. Ha ha Pas grave !
    You know how to say " Hello " in french no ?
  10. I do not speak french. Took some classes during my school years but it did not stick.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10