Conversation Between Messiah and Freya

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Mah, currently I'm not in the mood to go listen to some new music. But later I probably will. ^^
  2. Tell you what, check it out for yourself
    Go on youtube and search 'Babylon Bombs - Liberation'
    It's good promise
  3. Sorry to say this but... Hair Metal just sounds stupid. xD We all know that most listeners of Metal have long hair, but... ah well, I just don't get it, it sounds ridiculous to me. XD
  4. well hair/****/sleaze/glam metal
    yeah theyre called HAIR metal mainly because the have big hair!
  5. Yep, these are bands I know. So why are they called HAIR music? XD
  6. haha, do you remember Motley Crue, Poison, Twisted Sister, Tigertailz?? Its that sort of music but revamped to make it more 21st century. It's brilliant
  7. Sweden Rocks is actually in Sweden? Why's that? I always thought it'd be in Finland. XD
    Just kidding, never heard of it, sorry. .-." And I've never heard of any of the bands you mentioned, either. .,.
    And what the HECK is Swedish HAIR Metal?! XD
  8. haha of course!
    well have you heard of Sweden Rocks? Suprisingly enough its in Sweden,

    thats another genre im obssesed with...Swedish Hair Metal i.e. CrashDiet, Babylon Bombs, Vains of Jenna. Heard of any?
  9. Where I am from? Burmecia of course! XD
  10. LOL, omg thats the one ive go playing now!
    So where abouts are you from?
  11. Hey, I know some of the songs, you know. xP
    And the first one you mentioned is actually my favorite song by them! ^^ Holy Waters is just an awesome song. <3 Now I have to listen to it again... >.<
  12. Ahh ok then

    It is isn't it! Also here are some more songs by Edguy i suggest you listen to on youtube :

    Holy Water
    Down To The Devil
    Judas in the Opera
    Lavatory Love Machine
    Spooks in the Attic
    All the Clowns
    We dont need a hero.

    If you want anymore just ask let me know what you think
  13. Mah, unfortunately I haven't got MSN ToT
    But I'll see if I can get the album. >3~

    Btw. that's an awesome title XD
  14. Tinitus Sanctus (I think thats the correct spelling :S)

    Brilliant album,have you got msn? ill send you some songs
  15. Huh... that's Edguy? o.o" Oookay... I recognize the voice, but the sound was pretty asskicking at the beginning of the song. >3
    Yay, that's a great song! Which album is it from? :3
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