Conversation Between Alther Primus and Meigumi

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  1. Ah, the dimensions of the sprites! Well, I got a blank palette fixed up a long time ago. Be sure to keep it in RPG Maker VX-style, because that's how all the other updated sprites were made. xD
    Also, don't be afraid of the black lines. This was originally the overworld sprite base, but I make sure everything is in proportion with those lines, so I guess you can erase them. They are also, unfortunately, 3 frames for each action, and I don't know how to expand it without screwing anything.
  2. OK
    From which direction does the lighting come from (covered in first question though)
    Meh, I was talking about a Width x Hight (IE 600 x 800 is a standard resolution)

    I've got all of the info I need though, so I'll get started!

  3. Style of the battle sprites are like RPG Maker styled. If you've seen the sprites that came with the program, you'd know. Just Google 'em up!

    There is no colour limit.

    You're gonna have to make the question about the lighting more specific, brah.

    Dunno, but there appears to be specific proportions, which I'm too air-headed to work out. Algebra happens to be one of my greatest weaknesses.

    Yes, you may. I have them in Paint.NET's palette format, which could make it easier for you-just pop 'em in the program's Palette folder and booyah, it'll be in the palettes list! RPG VX

    There are no coloured outlines, nor there are black outlines. (All colour, baby /shot)

    Questions are like written mail, you can never get too tired. c:
  4. Will do.

    What are the style of the battle sprites?
    Color Limit?
    Where does the lighting come from?
    Is there a size limit?
    Can I get those Palletes?
    Are there black outlines or colored outlines?
    Are you tired of hearing questions?
  5. Hmm. I dunno about that, you should go ask Elyon.

    I'm too tired at this time of the day to upload all the images so here's what I can say:
    Ralz: All set and good to go
    Meigumi: All good and ready
    Nova: Hair problems, only overworld sprites done
    Alther: Overworld sprites done, beginning battle sprites
    Elyon: Unknown, will have to check into it
    Others: ???
  6. But can it adjust transparency levels? (example available)

    Umm, as long as they are in an image format, also, who's done? (I'd like to see them) and who's left?
  7. Help is very much loved and appreciated!

    Yes, RPG Maker can support Alpha transparency. I have often sent Elyon sprites of sprites with transparent backgrounds, and replaced some in the demo to test, and they do work quite fine. Perhaps Elyon is unfamiliar with such terms?

    If you are helping with sprites, I can send some palettes over to you. Would you like that?
  8. Hey, need help with the RPG sprites? (Is it still goin on?) I can help (I would be doing FX, but Elyon doesn't know if RPG Maker supports the Alpha transparency they would need)
  9. I will attack that wiki like no other has before.

  10. (A'ight)

    Ah, well, that makes sense since Aizen is the god-king of Hueco Mundo

    knew that

    Bleach Wiki.

  11. (I'll observe and join when I see fit. Right now, it's the busiest time of the school year and I have to study more often. >w>)

    -Sama can be used to refer to someone in higher authority, or age, or someone one idolizes, and this Aizen sounds older than his subordinates, and he also doesn't sound like a lord, so it makes sense.

    As for -san, it's a very common honorific. Just probably like a way to formally address someone around their age, such as calling someone by their last name, like Suzumiya-san, or such. It's less than -sama but it's still used very often. There are so many ways to use this honorific, so I ain't going into details.

    Where and who said that -dono is less than -sama? I'm gonna hammer it in their brains. D:<

  12. (So, now are you interested?)

    Huh, when I watch Black Butler, I usually watch it in English. Although, I DO watch Bleach in Japanese, and everyone always says "Aizen-sama," his minions/suboordinates usually do, at least. This made me think that -sama was one ot the highest of them, and I remember hearing somewhere that -dono is less respectful than -sama, but moreso than -san.

    Thanks for the information on -chan, I kept thinking that it was for good friends, or nicknames.

  13. (Ah, really? Should have told me earlier <w<;;; )

    Really? It's not as respectful as... Bo-chan, -dono, and -ojou. Those are usually for people like lords and masters. If you've seen clips of Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji, Sebastian uses Bo-chan towards Ciel a lot, and it's usually translated to 'young master'. So I don't think I can get away with -dono, actually. xD Seriously, I'm not a lord, no matter which angle you look. Also, -ojou is a female lord/master.

    Also, -chan is usually used for little girls. Sometimes it's an intimate honorific between couples (there is a boy one, but hardly used as far as I know), and sometimes it's used as some kind of insulting way to call someone. You're still right that it is also used between friends. xD (but I mind it, I'm too man-like to have -chan)

  14. (It's based offof CoC >_>)

    Hmm... I'll have to look closer at japanese honorifics, but I already know that "sama" is TOO respectful, maybe "san" would be better? (I always thought that Chan was for a good friend who you resptected/feared, or just if you felt like using it as a nickname blame Ichimaru-dono, his personality is infectious. <_<) Oh, and you could probably get away with "dono," or "sama." (Could we take this Japanese honorifics thing into PMs? This could get really long)
  15. Nope. I'm more for.....literal, typing kinds of RP. Not one for manga RP, unless it is an original idea and not one based on something. ^_^;

    Also, I should be 'Meigumi-onee-sama.' Isn't '-chan' a bit too intimate for you towards me, 'Alther-onii-san', or if you prefer a more formal honorific, 'Alther-kensei'? >w>
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