Conversation Between Treize and WilsonDean1990

12 Visitor Messages

  1. No problem. If you have any other questions, here is a link to all of the bb code that works on the forum: The Final Fantasy Forums - BB Code List
  2. thanks, worked perfect
  3. you type: [youtube]the part after the v= in the url[/youtube]
  4. how do you make the youtube vid appear on forum instead of clicking link and directing to youtube
  5. Not much either. I hope you enjoy Christmas, since it's coming pretty soon now.
  6. Not Much Really, Got a couple of new games, bought some new manga not much really. You?
  7. Hey, how's it going? I feel like we haven't talked at all even though I adopted you a few months ago already... So, has anything new or exciting happened lately?
  8. Hey, how's it going?
  9. Like I said, you have to type [IMG]link to your image[/IMG]. If you type that, your image will show up instead of just typing the link.
  10. I've seen people show the image directly on the forum, whenever i post a link, the link just shows up, not the actual picture. Does it depend on the link or require a different code
  11. Ok, I'll help mentor you. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them for you. At TFF If you want to post images you need to use the [IMG][/IMG] tags. Just put the link to your image inside the tags like this: [IMG]link[/IMG].
  12. Hey, Meier Link is gonna ask you if you mentor me a little, if its okay with you. But i won't require much of your time, just a few odd questions here and there like how to show images in forums, general stuff like that
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12