Conversation Between Sinister and GypsyElder

12 Visitor Messages

  1. OOOOOoooooooh :3

    *looks up*
  2. It's from a 1928 silent film called "The Man Who Laughs" It was supposedly the inspiration for the DC character, The Joker.
  3. What ish your avatar from? I'm strangely attracted to it.
  4. ZOMG Happy Birthdaay! <3<3!
  5. <3 :3
  6. haha he looked familiar ^^
  7. Hey, you knew! You're the only person so far that's guessed. Gratz. ^^;
  8. Super Milk Chan ?
  9. Thanks. ^^
  10. Happy Birthdaayy!
  11. Thank you for the add Sir
  12. You're Bipolar?? I never would have guessed, you seem so calm and collected in all of your posts. (not like it's easy to tell right off the bat if someone is in a weird mood just by a post ) but unlike some of the hot heads around here who knew

    so you play piano?? I'm learning now ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12