Conversation Between Dranzer and Rhaps

6 Visitor Messages

  1. No, but I have constructed a cat toy of sorts by combining a yard stick, a length of yarn, and a small cotton ball that was soaked in water mixed with catnip. He will chase that thing until the ends of time (until he gets tired) and like you said, fifteen minutes later he's back up.

    His other hobbies include typing on my goddamn netbook, knocking over all of my glasses (YOU DON'T DRINK DR. PEPPER YOU ASS WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT), and making this adorable squeaking mewl whenever I glare at him for too long.
  2. I got mine when he was five or six weeks. Yes, I grew painfully aware of that when the little shit clawed one of my keys off of my old laptop and woke me up one night because he got caught on the screen of my window because he jumped on it almost like a spider; all four paws just chillin there. His meow was so pitiful too.

    Do you use a laser pointer to play with him at all? If you don't you should cause that shit is hilarious and an easy way to wear 'em out. You know for like fifteen minutes of peace.
  3. A few weeks lol

    So you are also aware that kittens aren't adorable. I like you.
  4. Mine was named "Nugget," but I affectionately called him asshole or ****face. That cat was some kind of mutant. I miss the little ****er though!

    How old is he?
  5. His name is Otis according to my mom, but to me he's either "****er," or "Little Shit," and ofcourse, "Little Bastard."
  6. I just saw the pic you posted of your kitten, what's the bastard's name?!
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