Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and NikkiLinkle

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I think I half realised it, but I was like ah f*ck it. Haha. I'm happy to provide a laugh yay! I'm getting braces soon, so I too will have lovely teeth one day Can't wait!
  2. Hahaha not creepy at all. And lol I wondered as soon as I read your post if it had dawned on you while you were typing it what it could be out of context. I was pretty tickled over it.
  3. Oh wow, I really like your voice and the lyrics. So awesome. I totally liked your Facebook page! Good luck with your album
  4. haha I got sent to a weird part of youtube with that link. So I will take your word for it lol.

    Sorry for the late response! I've just been on phone internet for about a month. I sound like this:
    Alisyn Reid - ReverbNation

    First three songs are previews of the album I'm finishing up. Others are random ****ery.
  5. I've never heard you sing, but every time I hear this song YouTube - Broadcast Yourself., I think of you? Do you sound similar? Or am I just a fruit cake? Hahaha.
  6. Thank you! <3

    I got started tonight
  7. Happy Birthday! I wish you a great birthday celebration!!!
  8. Lol. Thanks. I appreciate the effort! It's so hard to choose what to wash your face with these days. I go into a store and I'm like WTF do I choose?! Sampling is a good idea. I get small breakouts like every couple of weeks and it usually stays for about a week or two which stinks. I think I might have to change my diet and try to destress. I think stress is my main cause. Anyhoo, thanks again
  9. Haha not a problem!

    I use local raw honey. I get mine at Whole Foods, but you can find raw honey at most chain grocery stores now. You'll want to find raw honey because when it's heated up and processed, it loses its enzymes and awesome stuff and then you're basically washing with liquid sugar. And I leave it on just for like 10 seconds usually... enough time to massage it into my skin and then wash it off... but it's great as a mask too.

    For moisturizer, I use a couple things. At night, I use Pai chamomile and rosehip cream with a few drops of argan oil. In the day, I use 100% Pure's argan oil facial moisturizer (SPF 30). These things can be a bit pricey (like $26 or $38) and the initial investment is intimidating... but the ingredients are food grade AND... I've had the 100% Pure lotion since this last August (2011) and haven't run out yet. You don't need much. The Pai lasted me from early last September (2011) until about a week ago. And the argan oil I only use a few drops at a time.

    But mostly, it's what works for YOUR skin. And a lot of websites will send you samples so you can experiment without a huge commitment. My favorite is And if you want MORE info, you should really check out These ladies are all about clean cosmetics and they write product reviews all the time. Also they do Friday deals, so if you're interested, keep an eye out for sales on things you might like to try!

    I feel better about spending money on a nice lotion when I get to save by using honey for a cleanser and baking soda as deodorant. Also it makes me happy that the lotions last for so long.

    Sometimes I do get a small zit (nothing cystic like I'd get using harsh products), but only when I eat too much sugar or any fried food... topical products can only do so much. But! For a spot treatment, I use this: Sandalwood Soothing Lotion

    Haha anyway.... so there's an even longer response. Hope that helps?
  10. Hello, how do you do? I just wanted to ask about the honey. I myself have sensitive skin and I think that's really interesting. Do you just use honey from the grocery store? How long do you leave it on for? And what do you use for moisturiser? I might just try it Whoa sorry for the long message lol.
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