Conversation Between Robbo and Unknown Entity

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. Pretty good, how about yourself?
  2. Ahahah, I know right? I lurk more here now. Typing on handhelds is too awkward to post often. ^^;

    How's it going?
  3. I see you more on FB than here now, sad really ^^
  4. I'm sure I went to bed before that, haha. Site didn't log me off. ^^;
  5. Haha me and you are 2 of the 4 members online and for us the time is: 02:26
  6. There is a good bit in the god delusion about morality and it's relation to religion and evolution it's pretty interesting
  7. There is a good bit in the god delusion about morality and it's relation to religion and evolution it's pretty interesting
  8. For words of wisdom, mostly. It covers such a vast range of topics that it's difficult not to enjoy it. I actually wanted to take an A-Level in it until I did my Software Development BTEC. *sigh* Although, I did hear that philosophy and coding go well together, and a lot of student participate in both. *shrug*

    I tend to especially like moral philosophy, and I'll debate it even though it makes me look very naive. It's good for us to establish the differences between right and wrong.
  9. Quite coincidentally to my last thread i noticed on facebook you liked Philosophy, mind if i ask why?
  10. That's true. Well, I guess it's a waiting game to see if they post or not. If they stir up trouble, report their posts and a mod will see to it (I'll see to it if it happens in my area). For now, unless they post and confirm they are who you say they are, there's not much I can do. =(
  11. Yeah devo but the name doesn't come up unless they post does it?
  12. There's not really much I can do about that, I'm afraid. You might have to explain to either Oceaneyes or an Admin (Loco, Merlin, or Cain).

    Is Devo the username? I didn't see anyone by that in the Members List...
  13. Just thought i'd throw this out there to a Mod plus you may know of what i'm talking about being english and all <3

    So Devo who just joined is probably a Troll he is a scouse Youtuber who is a complete ****
  14. Yeah, I'm good too. ^^

    Don't worry about it; I think it's funny. XD
  15. Good thankies

    You Good?

    Also sorry about ruininng your user notes page
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