Conversation Between Lady Rika and Rocky

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. admitted into the hospital?! Ouchies

    I'm glad everything is ok now!! Now you can be active again because we all miss you
  2. I know im old now! Gah.

    And sorry I haven't been on in a few days, had to get some things taken care of then I was admitted into the dang hospital. >>
  3. happy birthday Rika out of your teens now woohoo!!
  4. I really don't know, I mean I've always had great memories here. I think it was mostly now that I've got my life situated I can come and do the things I liked. If that makes any sense lol
  5. hahah I missed youuuuu!

    Sounds like things are going well for you though, so congrats for that! What made you decide to return back to our humble e-abode?
  6. Yew see mee!!!
  7. oicu
  8. Thats horrible but im glad you got the most important things out, the living things you and your doggie. Those would be the first things I would get out if I could. My animals and maybe some pictures that can't be replaced. Everything else is unimportant.

    Imma upload pictures of her soon they're on the desktop and im lazy haha.

    I did! Oh yay, I wanted that SO bad. Haha what award would I win with the pictures, camera something. I might do that, could be fun. Though I don't know if I deserve it. Whats the award(s) you wanna win and I'll make sure you get them haha!
  9. thank you for concern, it means a lot to me. Yeah a lot of my things got ruined mostly due to smoke damage, like my laptop, xbox360, tv, etc. The fire itself only damaged one room but the smoke got into everything, so we have to have practically everything thrown out and replaced. I was at home between classes when it happened, so I was lucky I was there to call 911 and to get my dog and myself outside, because it happened at like 11am and I don't know if anyone would of seen it happen in time.

    That's good to hear you're doing well though! Majoring in Psych eh? That sounds pretty tough! And congrats on your 5 month long relationship so far, I'm happy for you. And yes, I would love to see photos of your new kitten!

    That's really cool how just being around other people you get noticed by those kinds of things. And you are beautiful, I've always believed that since we first met. I'd like to think I have great taste in women too!!

    I just rechecked out the tff awards and you did win the nicest tff lady! Congrats on that lol. And yeah all you have to do is just bombard the "post your picture" thread with your modeling pics and I think you can easily get the winner there.
  10. Totally am Rocky, totally am!

    And im so sorry about your house, I hope everything goes alright! Also yeah sue that asswipe, its your house and he needs to do his job. Peeps are so rude now a days ya know. Haha, ya gotta keep me updated cuz im curious to what happens.
    So what happened to all your things? Was it all lost?

    And well, alot actually. As you can see I got my internet back, I am in college for Psychology, I have been in a serious relationship for the past five months, I got a new kitty her name is Disturbia and she is so cute, I'll upload pictures soon.
    And ah the modeling, okay well my friend Heather is a serious pro model. I'd show you her pictures but some have nudes on there which ya don't need to see haha. She made me go on a shoot with her and they really liked me and so I got into it. I don't wanna be a professional model its just a hobby for me! And thank you but I really don't think I am "beautiful" thats pushing it a little haha. But yeah hey ya think I could win camera whore for the tff award thingys? And hey who one nicest tff female? I really wanted to win so bad but im not sure if I did! lol
  11. Yeah, I bet you are the biggest twilight fan here, I still remember your old sig banner with the twilight picture on it of you haha. And I'm not gonna lie, I will be looking forward to New Moon, I saw previews and it looks good!

    As for my house, there was a big housefire almost 2 months ago, so we've been living in a hotel ever since while everything is getting fixed. It's taking a long time and the insurance adjustor is really dragging his feet, so badly that my parents are filing a lawsuit on the company. It's a really messy ordeal and put a lot of stress on our family, but we will make it through this.

    How about you, what have you been up to since we last talked? It has been quite some time, how did you end up in professional modeling?! I know you are definitely beautiful enough but it sure surprised me nonetheless!
  12. Aww how nice, yeah you could just talk about why you didn't like the movie and such. But im obsessive, you'll find no one on this forum whoes as Twilight obsessed as me. New Moon will be all kinds of action. The only reason Twilight wasn't was because they were on a very low budget and the director at the time sucked balls. lol
    And whats wrong with your house?
  13. haha, there ya go, its best to have some fun with it, College is supposed to be the best time of your life, once real life starts it sucks I'm sure. Haha or maybe not, I'm not there yet, lol. But I'm glad to see that you are making time in your college/pro modeling career for the little peeps like us! <3 Haha and me, modeling? I'm really flattered but I doubt I could pull it off. And a Twilight fan club? Only for you, would I join one, lol. Actually I'm not gonna lie, though I disliked the movies for some reason (I was expecting a lot more action), the books aren't too bad, they pass the time in my sweet little hotel room while I'm awaiting my house to be rebuilt.
  14. Haha yeah College is a pain, I have to go all the way to get my Masters and than I'll be done for good! And I've decided that im not gonna let College control my life ALL the way. So. I got my internet back and am making time for everybody who cares about me and whom I heart here on TFF. And your pretty hawt so you could model too I guess.
    Hey. I might make a Twilight club, wanna join? *eyebrow wiggle*
  15. Holy cow, that is freakin amazing! And to think that I went to a Quistis Ball with a professional model!! Aw yeah! lol. Yeah, I agree, college is the bane of everything and must be eliminated and I'm ready to be done forever but I have a couple years to go yet. So far it's nothing too terrible, but early am Calc isn't too fun Good to see you again! <3
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