Conversation Between MrBawb and ViviMasterMage

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I have to consider myself evil at times : [
  2. Never called you evil!
  3. No xD and I wont spoil it, im not that evil >:]
  4. Was that a joke? xD Oh, don't spoil me! I've not completed it yet!
  5. Afraid of what? : O I just beat it again today, the ending always gets me emotional :'D
  6. Hiya! =D

    Eh, I'm not a fan of it, I'm afraid... hehe! xD But, my favourite three are Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy X. =)
  7. Hey
    My fav FF is, honestly? FF13. (You wont find many people that say that LOL) I just loved the way the story unfolded and the ending.
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