Conversation Between Naegleria_fowleri and Dodie16

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey there! Haven't seen you in a while, so I just dropped by to check on you. Hope you're doing alright. ^^
  2. OMG I didn't even realize that we shared a birthday! That's pretty cool! Thanks for accepting my friend request!

    I hope to see you on the forums! Also if you just want to chat, we have some great members here that will be glad to talk about most anything (myself included).
  3. Yes we are alot alike We have the same birthday!!

    Sephiroth?? Teee heeeee *annoying fangirl giggle*

    Anyway, nice to meet you!
  4. Hello! I read your post in the adoption agency, and I must say that I think that we are a lot alike! Especially about Sephiroth! tee hee!

    So I just dropped by to say hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy it here very much!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4