Conversation Between Psiko and Rain Lil

10 Visitor Messages

  1. You take a look at them? I wonder the same thing myself, but it sounds like too much fun to not try, at least.
  2. I hope I'll have enough time for factions xD
  3. take it from me, just find a good group of peeps on the forum and that'll be all that really makes a difference. It'll make the slow posting times tolerable haha.

    Factions are looking to be great if they take off like I'm hoping.
  4. Yeah, doesn't seem like many post. I really can't get into Final Fantasy games anymore xD so I don't know what to do haha.

    But I'll try looking at those Factions. Sounds like fun.
  5. Yeah I think so too. Of course I'd really rather be a WRITER, but that doesn't pay the bills so well for most people. But maybe I'll be the next Ray Bradbury or something. ^^

    Philosophy is a blast. My sister majored Anthropology and has done NOTHING with the degree. I guess some will and others won't. Hope all goes great for you in Animal Med.

    I do and I don't. I do not post a lot, but I kind of idle on here. I've got a pretty good thing going with one of the amazing ladies here at TFF and I think that keeps me here more than anything. I never find much to post in.

    Did I mention you should take a look at the Factions? Seriously.

    Yeah lots of new faces and some of them are pretty cool.
  6. Wow, that's pretty awesome. College teachers is the best kind of teacher out there, and I've seen your English lol. Philosophy sounds pretty damn cool, too. I plan on taking a class or two to get me thinking. I was looking into anthropology, but I don't know. I love animals, so animal medicine is a good choice for me.

    So do you go on TFF a lot anymore? A lot of people left, I take it. It's cool though, it's never too late to meet new faces. Ah well, I'm off to study again. lol
  7. Yes, you certainly did. I recall that as well.

    School is a great thing, and I kick myself for not having done it sooner in my life. It was a long road that led me to where I am, and now I have a deeper understanding of what I'd like to end up doing with my life.

    Glad to hear you are great. Veterinarian career, huh? Sounds like a good thing!

    Me? I'm planning to major in English, possibly go on to get a Masters in that and teach at a college level. I may even decide to throw in a Philosophy major, because that stuff is amazingly interesting, and practical.
  8. I remember my old TFF days. I RP'ed like crazy haha. I miss that.

    School is the best thing you can do these days. I'd hate to wake up and not love my life.
    You just gotta find things that work well with you. I'm glad your happy! =]

    As for me, I'm pretty great. I'm moving to a bigger house with my family. We were paying too much for it, and now we found one for much cheaper, but rented. It's all cool, if something breaks, we don't gotta fix it. Ohh yeaa. lol For school, I'm working towards the veterinarian career. Even it's just vet technician. Cool stuff!

    What are you schooling for?
  9. Been great. How could either of us forget the past, huh? It was a lot of fun!

    I recently realized that reality sucks, and opted to get back into school rather than go on slaving away on a job I hate. I've never been happier.

    How have you been?
  10. Of course I remember you! How ya been?
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