Conversation Between Michael Swayne and Unknown Entity

8 Visitor Messages

  1. You didn't even me the first, but you gave me the biggest!
    ...That's what she said. Omg.

    Thankies! ^^
  2. I was hoping to be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday, but since that ship has sailed...

    Happy Birthday!

    ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

    Saeng-il chu kamnida!

    to you, my Adopter, and first friend here at TFF!
  3. She decided to post a link of it instead. She was putting the link up in the Final Fantasy VII Thread. It is a mash-up video of Advent Children and the movie 300.

    Thank you for your help!
  4. Is she doing it correctly? The tag is

    [youtube=<the part after the "v=" in the url>][ / youtube]

    without the spaces. If it doesn't work afterwards, then I guess they don't work in social groups. =(
  5. Entity,

    Quick question. One of the members of my social group is wanting to post a Youtube video in a post. How does she go about doing that?

    She is saying that the video tag is not working.
  6. Just thought you should know that I am no longer a Noobie! I am starting to get the hang of this.
  7. Haha, you know what? I opened up my profile and saw your VM first without knowing you're my new adoptee, read the first line of you VM and was about to hit the report button for bot/spam. But then I read the rest of it and saw Freya's VM, so it's all good.

    I've played quite a few of the Final Fantasy games myself. I have FFT: WotL, FFI*, FFII, FFIII, FFVII**, FFIIoC, FFVII:CC, FFVIII**, FFIX, FFX*, FFX-2, FFXII*, FFXII:RW, FFXIII*, and I plan on getting some of the FFXIII spin-offs. I'm slowly collecting the others.
    * Ones I've completed.
    ** Ones I've almost completed, and I have a save near the final boss.

    I liked FFI because it was simple. You complete a task, and move on. FFVII is my favourite Final Fantasy game. I like the story, the mechanics, the levelling up and materia systems, the characters... everything. FFVIII, isn't my favourite. In terms of story and characters, I like it. But Junctions are a pain in the ass. FFX was fun at the time, if not annoying in some places - I didn't like the trials, or the sphere grid, or Tidus. FFXII, is actually my second favourite and the first Final Fantasy game I've completed. I liked the characters (even Vaan and Penelo to some levels), the licence chart, gambits, and even the mini achievements part. FFXIII was awesome, but it lacked loads. Like towns, NPCs, a world map, etc... everything I loved about previous FF games. And it was too linear. I don't have the patience for tactics games, unfortunately. I do like them though, it just takes me a while. ^^;

    So which ones have you played, and what did you like about them?

    The levelling system on this site? Well, that goes up with posts. The more you post, the higher your level will be. The Exp bar shows you how close to your next level you are, and you can find your rank in a small image on your posts and on your profile in the top right hand corner. This explains more, and shows the rank names. The health bar shows your activity on the site. You need to write a couple of posts a day to have a lot of health. Really, it's nothing to worry about unless you want to check out how active other members are.

    Gil goes up with things you do around the site. A complete breakdown can be found here.

    Hope you have fun. ^^
  8. Hi, Unknown Entity. My name is Michael. I just found out that you are I are going to partnered up. I am really quite excited about it. Before I bombard you with my questions, I will tell you a little about myself. I have played a majority of Final Fantasy games, and have loved them all. I also want to write for them one day. To see my ideas and characters put to life would make me so happy. Anyway, basically I want to know everything, but first I want to know about this Leveling System, and how I advance. I also want to know about the Gil, hot it's used and what not! And finally for now, tell me more about yourself. Your profile says that your favorite FF is all the ones you've played. Which ones have you played and what did you like about them? Sorry about writing your ear off, I have been told I ask too many questions for my own good.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8