Conversation Between SOLDIER #819 and Alpha

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Sorry about the mess. I make a post thinking it's straight forward, then go back and see there is plenty of room for misunderstanding.
  2. Nix said you're in if you want to be. He would have had you and Merlin fight to the death for membership, but obviously that is not possible.
  3. This should be the next ep. If you throw everything together something awesome is bound to happen.
  4. He's an imaginary troll riddle master preventing me from crossing a bridge in a knife storm to turn off Jake's imagination.
  5. You're our Finn!

    Nix is our gatekeeper and secret leader, but I'm not quite sure what that is in AT terms.
  6. Alpha, you're our hero! Thaaannkk yooouuu!
  7. Alpppphaaaaa. Can you delete your post so we can have our proper post order for a moment?
  8. The best of times
  9. Adventure Time
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12