Conversation Between Dragoon_Nick and Victoria

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, I kept you on my MSN too. I think...
    Yeah. You're still there. xD
  2. True, but i meant i kept contact as in kept you on my msn...Should've been more precise...
  3. Uh, kept contact? >_>;
    Why do you lie? We haven't talked in ages, dude.
  4. Very
  5. Nope.
  6. Heya Toph,

    Any news on the situation for you?
  7. I think it may be a misunderstanding. Though you used to talk shit about her though. I remember you always used to call her a whore and such. This was when she was around, even.

    Though yeah. I think he was talking about that convo we were all in. I think it's a misunderstanding, possibly. I dunno.
  8. Well dimitri's acting like a child, basically called me shady, and now probably is trying to make everyone think i said shit on Froggies back....

    As for everyone else, i don't know yet...

  9. Eh, what do you mean by that?
  10. got the wrong end of the stick on everything....
  11. I'm too sexy for this message, too sexy for this message, too sexy....
  12. Can't forget the >< eyes of those ice climbers after an Ike final smash. XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12