Conversation Between Secret Weapon and Crazy Chocobo

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Actually just about the same as you if you read the bottem half of my journal. I lost my job I had too about 3 weeks ago and It's kinda sluggish trying to find another. So I been playing the lazy,gaming potato couch lately waiting for oppurtunity to slap me in the face once again. At least my love life is finally stable now...
  2. Actually it's not so great at the moment. I lost mt job and things aren't working out lately but hey, I'm still going. How about you though, how's life?
  3. Hey big sis!!! Havent talked to you in forever hows your life been treating you?
  4. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my journals.
    I shall check it out, sounds pretty neat.
  5. Hello big sis! I know I'm sorta late on the congrats but I'm glad your finally working now! I love reading your journals and hope you keep them interesting as your previous up-to-date ones. Have you seen my new song on my Rap Book? You should really check that out.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5