Conversation Between Josh_R and Pete

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks man, I'm gonna try!
  2. Happy birthday man. Make it a good one.
  3. Hey man I have you on my xbl friends so if you ever wanna play some MW3 hit me up sometime, always for people to play it with.
  4. Yea I know thats just how it goes man, could have been totally opposite.
  5. If the Jets would have played the full game like they did the second half, it would've been a totally different story man. The worst part about it was that they came so freakin close at the end.
  6. Pete look at my avy, mm like it. Haha jk man, Steelers got lucky against the Jets.
  7. Shit same here. On a typical day I am up by 5:30. If I am lucky I can sleep until 7 or 8. Those are the days man lol
  8. I hear that man. I can finally relax for a few days now, and I'm loving it. A late morning for me is waking up at 8 lol
  9. Just been working my ass off everyday haha. Haven't had a good minute to myself in over a week.
  10. Same ole shit man. Just working my ass off and trying to fill out paperwork for the NYPD and court officer positions. That, and running around like a retard trying to get my christmas shopping done. How about yourself?
  11. Whats going on man. I haven't talked to you since the convo where you where f*cked on Four Loko. How's things been for you?
  12. Thanks man!

    I do feel old sometimes lol. It feels like just yesterday I was sitting in my dorm for my first birthday away from home, and now I'm a solid 2 years out of college. Time ****ing flies
  13. 24 damn bro you're a old f*ckin man..jk

    Happy Birthday
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