Conversation Between Josh_R and Zargabaath

11 Visitor Messages

  1. A little over a year ago. Honorable discharge.
  2. How long ago did you leave the marines?
  3. Have you heard of the new Gundam show beginning in October this year? It's called Mobile Suit Gundam AGE. Takes place during the Advanced Generation Calender (AG). You can wiki the rest of the information. But here is a promotional video which looks iffy to me. The populace doesn't seem to like that much either with close to 1,600 more dislikes than likes. I'll just have to wait and see. I just got to Wing on my Gundam marathon too and now they're about to release another show.
  4. I liked. One of my favourites. It doesn't have as much action as other Gundams but the characters are good, except for 1 (to me).
  5. I haven't watched it yet, but I have heard excellent things about it.
  6. Dunno if you have watched Turn A Gundam, but Bandai in July 2010 got the license to publish it in America - along with Tales of the Abyss.
  7. haha I suppose it is
  8. That's the power of Gundam.
  9. I figured what the hell, might as well send you one.
  10. So um... greetings. Does suggesting watching Gundam X and Turn A Gundam make you send out an "friend invite"?
  11. You should try to watch Gundam X and Turn A Gundam.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11