Conversation Between Darkwolf and Omega Weapon

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Boo
  2. By now I'm making my banners from scratch by messing with filters and such. It feels good not to have to take images from the web
  3. Haha. Awesome! I would like to see some of your most recent works then. =P
  4. Thanks

    Same with you, btw I'm getting better at photoshop
  5. Happy Birthday Alex. ^______^ Hope you had an incredible day.
  6. Hey, since you gave me another message I've decided to give you another one. Thanks for introducing me to Godsmack! xD
  7. Hmm..I can give you another visitor mesage, beside, I know I am better than you at computer graphic stuff! Just kidding! Anyway, Glad to hear that you are planning to take some computer art lessons next year.
  8. Although I must sadly admit, you are better than me at computer graphic stuff. Well next year I'm taking computer art so watch out
  9. Dude! You are always bored of life! You really need to listen to Sick of Life by....Godsmack! I love that song so much!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9