Conversation Between nickness89 and seanb

15 Visitor Messages

  1. That's my least fave part... ew

    but yea it taught me how to treat women
  2. Haha, I loooove the part where Miggs throws spunk in Clarice's hair

    It's just so classy and representative of 21st Century women
  3. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell, he - hissed at you. What did he say?

  4. Teeheehee, I thought a Hannibal Lecter quote might freak the poor guy out, especially in the context of the discussion
  5. sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge sponge
  6. It is the dog's bollocks.

    Have you listened to any of her new album? The songs on it are awesome, there's techno, euro-techno, rock and roll, country ... But all in Gaga style
  7. just watched it on YT... yes awsome video, dont know about the tune though... maybe its a grower like most of her stuff!

    I'm liking that bit, with the headscarf? great....
    the scene with the water is incredible, .. and the closeups...

    and I want a lipstick gun... that would be the shit having one of those drunk at a disco!

    Nd no, you see I dont listen to pop music unless its on the radio... sounds good though, whats the country tune?
  8. If a Moogle was more human looking, they would look like that picture

    I think she looks very pretty in Judas, during the first and second chorus when she's got the blue hippy-esque outfit on.

    I loveeeeessss her music too. I don't spend a day without listening to Born This Way. It's my waking up and getting out of bed song. Judas is my cardio tune
  9. Just had a look at that... yea your right she's the bomb... maybe for my own personal fantasies I prefer the extravagance!


  10. We all have our fair share of fetishes

    Yeah it's Bad Romance, and I know what you mean, like Anime eyes?

    If you want to see her at her prettiest, then you HAVE to Youtube ''Lady Gaga MTV Prank'' ... She is actually sooo pretty when she is brunette and without make-up. Well, I think she looks good even with the extravagance, but she's a typical Italian babe in that video.
  11. Yea I actually quite fancy er. she would be the most deadly date ever.

    eeh i think its the video for bad romance? where she has huge eyes? im a complete sucker for anyone with big eyes,.. even if they are freakishly big and gooky lookin... fetishes dont stop there mind you
  12. Looolz

    She's only 5ft tall, she just wears HUGE shoes

    I'd turn straight for Gaga anyday, could you imagine what she'd be like in bed? She'd freak the cream out of anything she touched
  13. Yes that part. It's evil.

    I'd love to spin my blade at the gaga.... but i'd probly havta stand on a stool... I'm bad with jokes....
  14. Haha

    What part of the sig? If it's the little video, it's Justin Timberlake and some other dude doing the Helicopter **** to Lady Gaga
  15. Mr. Nickness, may I ask WHAT ON EARTH IS IN YOUR SIG?! it's mental.... sometimes I get distracted and end up looking at it hypnotically without realising... perhaps its a form of mind control..are you involved with the illuminati? aggh!
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