Conversation Between Halie and Meier Link

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Birthday
  2. Ahh, okee dokee ^^. I'll get crackin' then, lol.
  3. thats koo with me, like it says in my post it is kind of a challege for all of the sig designers and the best will be put into my siggy
  4. Sorry, DS already made one, so I thought 'Oh, it's already taken... =/' haha. I'll do one, though, if you want. haha.
  5. I am kinda of suprised I figured you would of been the first person to jump on my sig challenge.
  6. Atleast 20
  7. Pretty young. Still in the early years of high school. How old did you think I was? lol.
  8. How old are you? I was reading your journal and I thought you where older.
  9. I have no idea, technicallly it is a post per se, they told me I had to do it every time I make a post on here. Atleast yours isn't as bad as mine, rock the boat! ::humps::
  10. lol XD Oh no. We have to do it in VMs too?! ...=O

    You are one sad hippo.
  11. whats up cloneous at least i am not the only person that is having to type crazy like.

    well it's time to rock the boat ::humps::
  12. Haha, thanks ^.^ Aye, mee too. Didn't think it'd turn out this good, but it has =D lol.
  13. props for the music club! i like it and i am supprised it is so active. i cant rep you for it (because you where one of the last people i ahev reped.)but i will give you the second best thing then, user note!.
  14. Okee dokee, will speak ta ya'll soon then ^.^

    Another visitor note from George and I
  15. ahh again with the george, but alls well that ends well.

    im about to disappear for the weekend like i normally do, so i will catch up with you on monday
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 17
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