Conversation Between Bleachfangirl and Block

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Dunno about that...I have only heard his name for those creepy flicks, so he might just have forgotten how to make a nice, family film. =P
  2. i think the pissing people off part is a pretty good plan, but i don't think he's going to make Avatar scary... well at least not on purpose X-D
  3. =O Doesn't he usually do those scary movies? Now I'm afraid...Maybe I should bring a flashlight with me to the movies to flash at the scary parts...and piss people off.
  4. yah, the Airbender one is the one I'm excited about. M. Night Shyamalan is directing it, so I'm super stoked for that because he does amazing camera work!
  5. No, it's fine. That picture was just so random that I didn't know what to think. XD
    That picture says that my bandwidth has been exceeded. 8D WHOOPS!
    The Avatar movie, as in the one in theatres now, or the Airbender one? I want to watch the Airbender one when it comes out. =D
  6. Sorry if I come off strange! :-D I mean nothing by it.

    OMG that picture is awesome! I love the Avatar show. I hope the movie is good!
  7. My...well, you're welcome! ^^;;
  8. TY for the Thanks!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8