Conversation Between shinra_32 and Meier Link

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's really dry here. So bad we are on stage 3 water rationing. Have been good. Just moved to a house. Good getting out of the apartment. Stay safe!!!
  2. Been fairing the storms fairly well. My suv on the other hand looks like death warmed over from all of the hail damage. Its been rediculous haha. How about yourself? How have you been?
  3. How are you surviving the bad weather?
  4. Happy Birthday!!!! One more year till you join the 30's club.
  5. Same to you. Hope you had a great day yesterday! Today has been far better for me then yesterday. I don't think there is anything that could be said today to bring me down. On top of the world.
  6. Happy Late Valentine's Day! Hope you had a good day!
  7. Things are good. In the middle of moving. Can't wait to get out of this apartment. The refinery across the street blew up last year. I can't say I have felt safe since. My husband and I got a house just taking care of the last details with that.
  8. It has been to long! All is looking for the best. 2010 was a pretty traumatic year, specially the last half but things are on the up and up again.

    How are things with you?
  9. Happy New Year man! I haven't been on in awhile. Hope all is well!
  10. I am so sorry. Your journal made me cry. I lost a very close friend in 04 and I still get really torn up about it sometimes.

    My 4th was nice. BBQ at my mom's is always fun.
  11. Been alright. Been through alot these last few weeks and it has been crazy. To much to tell in one of these little boxes haha but I have updated my journal talking about it.

    Did you have a good forth?
  12. So how have you been?
  13. Not a lot just working all the time! How have you been?
  14. Hey it has been forever and a day since I have got to talk to you. What the hell have you been up to?
  15. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great birthday and holiday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 25
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