Conversation Between OceanEyes28 and The Dark Crystal

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well thank you
  2. Happy Birthday!

    Don't be getting to old on us now Haha
  3. Happy Vday! Enjoy! Peace!
  4. Np
  5. Thank you
  6. Nice pic's!
  7. LMAO, yea like i said i am usually a very polite and well mannered person, so that won't happen again. Thanks for understanding
  8. Haha. Had you actually been rude to me instead of polite, it would have been very tempting. It's been a long semester.
  9. Wow you really wanted to bite my head off after you thought i was talking about you being the "smartass"
  10. Alright, i will next time. Once again sorry for the confusion, and usually i do just let it go! I guess i can see why she got mad that wasn't a very nice joke to begin with. Anywho thanks for the tips and i will report next time instead of being a jackass!
  11. Opps i see why you think that! ( i edited my first mess i sent and it might make a bit more sence now!
  12. Yes, I can understand why you would feel like coming back at someone on this forum. But you have to let a lot of stuff go, but if it goes too far for you, you can always report a post.
  13. i mean that is understandable! Right?
  14. I went to her profile and said sorry though, like i said i have done the same thing before so i probable deserved it!
  15. What? No i ment Jin was being a smartass and that is why is said "It was just a joke, get over it" if you go back to the thread you will see what i am talking about. Sorry i should have been more specific. I think we got off on the wrong foot! I am actually a really nice and respectful guy i just get mad when someone who i wasen't even referring to comes back and says something like that.
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