Conversation Between lottiepop and Raider

87 Visitor Messages

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  1. I heart you!

    Thank you so much.
  2. oh for the whole sig thing? Trust me it's no big deal =]
  3. i'm so sorry

  4. haha that's fantastic, I was expecting like a week or something ta love!
  5. tis ok i dont mind

    i do it for fun so its morew stuff to do
    i shoukd finish it by 2moro? is that ok?
  6. Moar rep if you do! And I really really appericate it
  7. your lucky cus soon i'm gonna have to stop doin this :L
  8. yay friends! =]

    So ummm yeah I'm thinking something along the lines of the shit from Braille "I'll take everything you ****ing bitch" with some awesome looking background involving red and black and Bring me the horizon I trust you though.

    And thank you!
  9. hehe

    i can make you a banner and avvy set if you want, i do it for all my friends =]
  10. pffft they're too soft! You should make me something oli sykes related I'll pay k? haha
  11. HEHE....No :L

    well maybe over a7x =P
  12. haha don't you mean you do the same anyway?
  13. lol, i'm not critiszing :L
    i would do the same... if i were female :L
  14. mmm haha I don't obsses over him, I like BMTH for the music, not just the front man. But he is quite attractive and it was late last night and I was bored!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 87
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