Conversation Between Doc Rocco and ChloChloAriadne

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Kidding, man. I don't think anyone but Lily wants a picture of David Tennant. xD Nearly as obsessive as me. =O
  2. David Tennant's ugly and I don't like guys. Why would I want that? >.>
  3. Froggeh. Me as well for best new member. Kthx. You can has lots of noms in return. =D And frosting. AND I'll get Lily to send you that nearly-nekkid picture of David Tennant. :x
  4. You loooooove her. You want to seeeeeeecks her.
  5. -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  6. Rocco and Lily
    Sitting in a tree,
  7. Thanks, Lily. You're a whore and I hate you too. *pout*

    He's a GOOD ACTOR. How many films have you seen him in to say you hate him?
  8. I love David Morrissey.
  9. ... You are a raging sadist. Why do it to me? =P

    Have you seen who is most likely to replace him? IT'S TERRIBLE. *enters foetal position* David Morrissey. He will keel the show.
  10. He's leaving. Leavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingl eavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingle avingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavinglea vingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleav ingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavi ngleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavingleavin gleavingleaving.

  11. Don't say that! If we deny the fact he's... doing that thing, he might not do it. HE HAS TO STAY, ELSE I'LL GET LILY TO GLOMP HIM INTO SUBMISSION. [/spaz attack] In seriousness, I prefer it as well. *coughsatiricalusernamesarecoolcough*
  12. Woot! Management! It's the closest I'll ever get to being a mod. XD

    My hair remains unchanged in terms of colour. Black, black, black, black and recently changed to a very dark brown that looks black unless it's under bright light.
  13. Thanks hun. ^^

    I thought I may as well change it as my hair's done a lot since then. It's been red, purple, mint green and got a fringe. XD. And well, now.. Blackish.

    And you can help manage it! I'd be happy for that to happen.
  14. Oh you poo head! I was going to volunteer to manage the Silleh Awards, but you had to be all ninja and post before me. =P OH WELL. While I'm here, I like joor new profile picture. It's new to me anyway. xD
  15. Yeah you... PMS... Like a bitch... I would know! (Sorry. Couldn't resist. =P)

    Elle is <3. She bez awesome. And joo has a letter coming with Lily's next literature package. =O
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