Conversation Between Psiko and postalblowfish7

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I don't think anyone could imagine me as anything other than the Red Mage. =P
  2. i think it might be time for you to change that avatar mr. PLD
  3. {Red Mage} {Can I have it?}
  4. Of course, silly. I took a leave after losing to Maat so I didn't do anything stupid in my rage. But I was on yesterday and took Ninja to 22, so that was good.
  5. you still rockin FFXI? haven't seen you in the ls for a while - cesar and the gang are all still playing, and i just duped 2 of my friends to join back up too.

    let us grind.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5