Conversation Between Jonathanx221 and Zargabaath

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. I've finally been getting into Dragon Quest IX. I've also been playing the new Golden Sun & Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light both for the DS. And I'm finishing up my second run in Final Fantasy XII.
  2. Oh well, I'll talk to you on here when I decide to come back every now and then like today. Ahaha, Been playing Dead Rising 2. It's kinda fun. I haven't been able to play many video games lately, I work too much. But I DID get to play Black Ops in 3D, that was wild. What are you playing?
  3. What do I have? As in what social network do I use? If that is what you are asking then I don't have anything. I have stayed away from those.
  4. Ah man. That sucks. What do you have? lol
  5. I don't have a facebook...
  6. It's been a while, how're you doing man? Hit me up on facebook sometime. Let me know who you are. Just search Jonathan hoover
  7. Been chill?
  8. Dood it iz yor berthdeigh!!!!! Now we get to hit 20 times with "Final Heaven" and then 1 more - for good luck - with "Meteor"!!!
  9. Tis a shame that you found Final Fantasy V boring. Then you have moved on to Final Fantasy VI?
  10. Final fantasy 5 got super boring so I stopped playing it. I know you sent that message to me a month ago, but I haven't been on in a while.
  11. Well have you moved on to Final Fantasy VI yet or are you still dragging your sprite feet in Final Fantasy V?
  12. Do not get sucked into your tv. How good a game is, is not dependent on whether it is played on tv or handheld screen. Though in the case for the PSP a person can hook it up to their PS3 and play their game on the tv. I don't think there is anything like that for the DS though.
  13. I would play FF3. But all handheld systems are just... not my thing. I'll play them.... but I'd rather see games played on my tv! I love my tv. Ahaha.
  14. Whaaaaaaaat? The DS has the only version of Final Fantasy III ever released outside Japan. And it has a ton of Dragon Quest games plus some games from the Shin Megami games.

    What makes DS games blow?
  15. I hate DS games. =[ They blow cocks.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 39
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