Conversation Between ViviMasterMage and xTidus

124 Visitor Messages

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  1. =| What the Hell are you doing on here?
  2. I do... sometimes.
  3. You just don't answer the door!
  4. Why? What's up now?...
  5. I'm just not going to try and come to your house any more....
  6. Gamestation, why?
  7. Where did you pre-order FF XIII from, Kyle?
  8. I'm so sorry, Kyle! Please forgive me?
  9. Well, that just hurts my feelings.
  10. I did that because I'm more important!
  11. So close! You nearly had full punctuation, but you messed up on "MY".
  12. Your name is, Kyle! MY name is, Casey! and Adam's name is, Adam! ^__^
  13. Tubular!
  14. Immense!
  15. Great! [=
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 124
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