Conversation Between ANGRYWOLF and Unknownangel

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey it been a while, whats up?
  2. Marry Christmas!
  3. Hey man what up?I'm sorry we never got a chance to talk for a while.I was really really busy this week.
  4. Good I feel better..well except the throat.But that won't kill me right?! Tomorrow I'm done for the week with school so I hope I can talk more on TFF maybe draw and read.
  5. with me ?

    Replaying the Knights of Lodis on my GBA...
    Watching tv...
    Got to take me daughter for tutoring tonight...

    Hope things are better for you...
  6. So whats up?
  7. Nothing really.I went to a football game yesterday for band.Then a barn dance and it was freezin and I came home at 11:30pm!!!And today I got a new Sunday school teacher and like always my class was a freaking zoo. And today my family is going to a friends house for supper.And other jazz for the rest of the week that I'll tell you latter about.
  8. Yah tell me about it.So whats up?
  9. That's ok...

    I wish we had more rpgs coming out to discuss...
  10. Hey whats up! Cerberus said your new here.Sorry about not being able to say hi.I was really busy for a while.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10