Conversation Between IcyJJ and Cyanist

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, I have a sweet tooth and I like math, so it goes together real well. My wife doesn't let me cook because I get too anxious making sure the meat is cooked and things like that.

    I love getting on the bike. There is a trail in my city that is about 12-15 miles long. Still working on doing the whole thing without resting.
  2. You bake? How manly. (joking, my brother does that all the time. I'm so grateful to him and all males who bother to enter the kitchen) Mountain biking = so cool. I've got such boring hobbies. I'll go get some more.

    Ciao til you answer my next question.
  3. Thanks for the getting. I get that people look at post counts before really reading the content of the post. I've been on random gaming forums since high school, was a moderator on two of them. I just post, read, then respond. A good conversation can be overlooked sometimes.

    As for hobbies, gaming of course. I also do some baking while my wife does the cooking. When the weather is nice, I go out on my mountain bike and ride the trails.

    Ciao til later.
  4. Don't listen to Saio, I am unworthy of accepting your tutelage. After all, I've only made 70 posts so far, that's-considered a beginner by most counts, however, If you need help in that area, we do have a lovely thing called "adoption" here. But I think you'll be fine without it anyway. You could probably teach ME some things, heh.
    Subject change: So what are your hobbies?
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