Conversation Between Nightmare Cloud and Rhaps

76 Visitor Messages

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  1. ligkghwlkhgwliwehlghlw2irg
  2. Happeh birthdeh!
  3. Ahhh that's not so good.
  4. it's just a class on rednecks pretty much, all of my other class options got "filled up" according to the teachers, and thus I got filtered and redirected to Hicks 101
  5. Nice xD I don't understand it but heyyy xD
  6. Appalachian Culture on Mountain Top Removal lol kinda easy
  7. Ouch xD What subject would that be?
  8. I'm typing a paper on a subject I haven't studied XD lol
  9. Yo! Not a lot, I'm pretty bored. You?
  10. what's up dood?
  11. *is happy to receive thanks* *dances* DANKE! I really did appreciate that pun though lol
  12. I liked your post in the conspiracy thread lol I sent a thanks
  13. Lol *is a bit confused* It's late so I'm not quite on the ball
  14. Edit on the thanks, cut out first positive and yes lol
    I meant first very nice comment
  15. Yeah, I know what it means, but thanks xD Why so? Meh I'm ok I guess.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 76
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